I finished knitting and blocking the Kureyon Sock Bigfoot Shawl:

As my first lace shawl, I am quite proud.
I have also started a Water Turtles Shawl in Knitpick's Palette Mist for May Day. If it's not done by then (and hopefully it should, since I am starting it in January), I'll wear Rainbow Doom, but I'd like to wear a more May Day appropriate one. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what colour mist is.
I've also started the Gooseberry Pie Shawl for my mother. And I need to rip out my Martha Tam and do it all over because my gauge failed in astronomical ways, but I am too frustrated with it at the moment. It might have to wait until February to be ripped.
School starts up tomorrow, and I am quite excited. Spanish and Geology I am less excited about, though the Spanish feeling will probably change when I get in the classroom again. I like the language quite a bit and I do love trying to figure it out with French and Latin. Geology I am ambivalent about because it is a science. Sciences here are so designed for science majors. But I have been assured that this is a good class. Of course, I am excited about thesising (Marco Polo and Italy and China, oh my! I ought to find some corresponding crafty project...) and Piers Plowman.
I also have such plans for the club. We are going to host the Philadelphia Reads raffle fund raiser and book drive, which should be fun and make us feel like we're a part of the greater Philadelphia community, which I feel many people on this campus don't have. And then there's the tea, where we will have tea and fresh scones and sci-fi movies. I'm organising a set of theme discussions for our dinner meetings and I'll have to find a good time for our Radio Listening Hour because I have our OTRCat order. So many old radio shows! How will I choose?